Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Name Tag Collage

The Wildcats got to practice their fine motor skills by gluing pieces of paper onto a ta with their name written on it.

The younger children got pieces of construction paper cut into pieces and glue it onto the name tag.

The older children ripped apart issue paper and dip it into glue then place it on their name tag. It was a great practice for their fine motor skill as well as practice for independence during activity.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Marshmallow constellations and oobleck!

For the beginning of the year, we learned some new tricks and revisited some old ones. On Wednesday, we painted with beads to make sweeping motions over the letter of the week, “S.”

On Friday, we visited an old favorite and played with oobleck (water and cornstarch). We had a lot of fun and got very messy!